Hare and Tortoise, board games
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Hare and Tortoise, board games

The hare and tortoise is a board game popularly played by children as well as adults. This particular board game was the winner of the first ever German ‘Game of the Year’ award. The game is mainly based on the famous fable of the ‘Hare and Tortoise’. The game features the legendary Hare and Tortoise race in the story, where the tortoise wins the race on the account of being ‘slow and steady’. The same story and the race are featured in the ‘hare and Tortoise’ board games but with a twist to make it more interesting. The main characteristics of the game are that each player plays both the hare and the tortoise at different stages of the game. It is a very interesting and fun-filled game that the entire family can enjoy.

The board game, ‘Hare and Tortoise’ requires clever strategies and needs a little bit of luck as well, to win the game. Like all other board games, it is involves luck and also strategic thought to play the game. You have to understand the tactics of the game in order to perform well. In the game sometimes, you have to race faster like the hare and sometimes be slow like the tortoise. Therefore, in the game, according to the situation you have to change plans and strategies according to the situations that arise and take care of the opponent’s steps and tact. You have to be cautious and alert all the time while playing the game. In the end, it is that player who could play strategically, turning over at one time to be like the tortoise and some other time like the hare, which could actually win the game and beat the opponents easily. Therefore, you are to apply the combination of two strategies that are required to play and win the game. It is great fun filled game for the entire family and is involving and interesting for al age groups. It is a game that can encompass all members of the family and everybody finds interest to play the game. It actually a game for those people who are 12+ and the upper limit of the age is unlimited. The game also presents thousands of innovative strategies that the persons playing the game could apply and play the game in their own way. Imagination, innovativeness and strategies are the basic requirements of this game. It is a game that has versatile characteristics as it could keep all types of persons busy. There are all types of people who play the game; from the most serious person to the most fun-filled persons. People could play this game and remain busy in their leisure times.

The game ‘Hare and Tortoise’ is basically played between 2 to 6 players among different age groups. The playing time of the game is approximately 45 minutes. You just need to know the rules of the games and you are ready to play the game. The basic requirements of playing the game are a game board, 6 laying pieces, 1 die, and 112 cards. Besides these, there are 6 summary cards that are provided while buying the board game set.
June 2, 2008, 11:46 am

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