Even though mahjong is easier to learn than chess, many find the intricacies involved in mahjong to be more interesting.
Mah Jongg Urea Tiles
Find everything you need to play this ancient yet still popular boardgame in this complete set. An excellent way to start playing.
Kings Mahjong (PC)
Play this board game on your PC. This value for money software is for Windows XP.
Mahjong (22500)
Find everything you need to play this ancient yet still popular boardgame in this complete set. A top of the range Mahjong set in an oak box.
Emperor's Mahjong
Play on PC, Pocket PC, or Palm Handheld.
-72 different game layouts grouped in 6 different themes.
-3 game modes (Single Player, Two Player, Emperor's Challenge).
-3 difficulty levels
-Created and save your own layouts in the Layout Editor
Travel Mahjong Board Game
Western Mah Jong Travel Set. Take this compact travel set to friends, on holiday, or even on a picnic. Play this great family game anywhere.
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©Martin Muckle & Jan Hvizdak